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Copyrighted Material      2016

The day wound down to a bistro that served coffee and the best, buttery bear claws-ever!

By now we were comfortable in one another’s silence-just chill. Then he spoke, causing the aforementioned silence to emphasize his voice.

“I have one more gift- If you’re ready to receive it.” His eyes beckoned for a response.

I never questioned, never hesitated, just took his hand and followed him out the door, into a taxi- world whirring by, his hand caressing my thigh while looking into my eyes and then out of the window.

The cab stopped in front of The Congress Hotel, he paid the driver and we were walking past the doorman, through a busy lobby and into an empty elevator whose doors closed in time to conceal the most passionate kiss known to any two lips.

Now, my back was against the wall, his arms on either side of my head, face looking down into my eyes... “Lord,” my mind screamed. "I love this chocolate brother"!

“Ding!” -screamed the elevator; time to step off, and receive my gift.

In one hand Gregory held the key-card to the room, and in the other, a handful of my ample ass. He was, in a word, aroused.

We entered the cream and chocolate suite with gold accents where baskets of assorted berries, Champagne, and Godiva chocolates rested at the beds side. In the center lay a chocolate negligee with a matching mask and silk ropes.

He stood just behind me gauging my reaction in order to pace his response. When my trance- like stare broke, he moved toward the bed, handing me the negligee.

“Go make yourself ready, my queen.”

Again, no questions, just a lamb-like obedience, rising above my fears, my doubts, and the shame of my massive thighs... I quickly and thoroughly showered, slipping into the chocolate silk that exposed more than I was ready for him to see. I pinned my hair into a lazy bun, allowing wisps of hair to frame my doll-like face,took a deep breath and opened the door. My breath caught when I saw my Chocolate King seated in a plush, white chair totally naked, cock, rock hard, legs spread, balls at rest... He did not rise, just merely extended the mask that dangled from one finger....

Excerpted from "It Always Starts With Sex" by Monica Handy. Copyright © 2016 by Monica Handy. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Excerpts are provided solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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Through The Darkness~Stories of Hope

The Hindsight of Hot Buttered Bliss

Copyrighted Material       2016


Presently, I am mastering (or should I say doctoral-izing ) the delicate art of self-love and respect versus constant compromise. I am also learning to draw boundary lines around my emerging perimeters, bold enough for the human eye to see. I believe that everyone should have a boundary separating where they end and the world begins, or else you will forever hold your truth in comparison to the world's opinions.


Note: In faith there is no room for dichotomy.


Now, holding on to who you are and letting go of who you think you should be, can admittedly be a balancing act that requires a beam of discernment. Personally, I've had trouble in some areas of "letting go" that have required a great deal of resolve, and at times rejection from those people and things that seem near and dear to me... Observations have revealed that people have scopes through which they become comfortable viewing you; take that scope away from them and things become unfocused; their lines of reasoning become blurred and they don't quite know how to perceive you or your new-found choices. I don't know about you, but my mistake was in trying to convince these people that I had changed and to give me their blessing of acceptance. But, if truth be told, the only way to gain someone's acceptance is to set their perspectives at ease. However, If you are in the process of maturing, your own growth may demand that the onlooker attend to his own perspective.


Note: We have all been the onlooker.

Excerpted from "Through The Darkness~Stories of Hope" by Collaboration In Motion- A Collaborative Work with Monica Handy. Copyright © 2016 Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Excerpts are provided solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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The Meanderings of Ruby Stewart

Copyrighted Material       2016



It was a new day and so far, turning out to be a pretty good Tuesday morning. The people in the elevator, who believed that I slept my way to the top, did not say, “good morning”- as usual. My hair still wasn’t poofy, despite the humid weather and the light company extended my payment date! Yes! Look out world, here comes Ruby Stewart!


Then it happened… A frazzled Madeline (aka, my boss) came around the corner in her favorite black leisure suit and turquoise pumps.


“Well, aren't you Ms. Sunshine? I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up!”


My eyes darted to the clock just behind her, revealing that it was eight, forty seven.  I wasn’t due at my desk until nine. I said nothing.


“Izzy V is coming, and she's all shook up because the model in her latest ad looks like she smells rotting fish… And it's a perfume ad, for god’s sake! So get out there and get some flowers and pastries… The fancy kind; spare no expense, she barked! And then get back here as fast as you can!”


The pug nosed, sixty year old woman was due for a mental lashing but for some reason I hesitated. The wear and tear of this job was taking a toll on her and if memory served correct she had never spoken to me in this tone before. So, I surmised as I arranged flowers in Lalique vases and placed fancy pastries on milk glass, that the real culprit here was Izzy!


Even as I lingered in the epiphany, she and the Vanderpomb team entered the boardroom, and as always I offered coffee to a series “no-s” and one upturned nose.


Purposely, I repeated the offer. “Is that a yes or a no, on the coffee, Ms. Vanderpomb?”


Still no answer, just a gentle response, on her behalf from Mr. Claiborne.


“That will be all, Ms. Stewart. You've done a lovely job with the room… Don't go too far because we may need you.”

And, just like that, I fell deeper in love with a man I hardly knew.

Excerpted from "The Meanderings of Ruby Stewart" by Monica Handy. Copyright © 2016 by Monica Handy. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Excerpts are provided solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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Copyrighted Material       2016



Reverend Rodgers awoke with a start! He sat up, breathing heavily, wiping away streams of sweat that rolled down his face and neck. As he reached for the water glass on his night stand the faint figure seated in the corner, moved. The Reverend’s eyes strained through the darkness trying to identify the intruder.


“Who's there?” He demanded! “Show yourself!”


The figure stood up and moved toward the bed. The closer it came the more the moonlight dispelled the darkness and the mystery was solved. Manuel stood at the foot of the bed in stark stillness, staring at Reverend Rodgers. His presence was so unsettling that he turned on the lamp and patted the bed, signaling the boy to come and sit down. Then, and only then did he see traces of a child. The good reverend gathered his thoughts as his feet slid across the floor in search of his slippers.


“Tell me, why are you roaming around in the dark? Why aren't you asleep?”


"I want to hear the story of David, again.”


“He was a shepherd boy,” groping with his foot for the elusive slipper. “Who, one day would be king.”


“He did other things; no, Padre?” Came his Spanish dialect.


“Yes, Manuel, he did. David was known to hold his peace when his enemies confronted him. At times he took flight to save his own life.”


“Then, there were times when he did not run. Isn't that also true, Padre?”


He heard the child's question in his ears, but it was the look in his eyes that gave him pause.


“Yes, that's true.”


“Like, when he faced the giant man who threatened to harm him?”


Reverend Rodgers stood and crossed the room, leaning his haunches on a dresser adjacent to the bed. “Where is this going, Manuel? We covered this thoroughly in chapel.”


“David was justified in killing the giant because he threatened the life of his people. He too, was young and overlooked, but he was chosen to do what no other could do.”


“Also, true. Are you feeling overlooked?”


Suddenly, the boy stood and looked him in the eyes. “Thank you, Padre. Good night.” Then he left Reverend Rodgers to a sleepless night filled with wondering and prayers.



Excerpted from "PART II: HOW TO KILL A LIE: Sequel to: AND THE MIRROR CRACKED" by Monica Handy. Copyright © 2016 by Monica Handy. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Excerpts are provided solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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And The Mirror Cracked-The Sequel

Chapter~ Pinky Swear

Copyrighted Material       2015


The  two  of  them,  disheveled  and  disillusioned,  stepped  off  of  the  city  bus  and  walked  slowly  up  the  block  to  Reverend  Rodgers  house.  Lee-­‐Roy  stopped  short  of  the  front  door  and  led  Melody  through  a  side  entrance  instead.  One  look  at  them  would  reveal  that  they  had  not  been  studying  at  the  library.  Melody’s  eyes  were  swollen  from  the  slap  and  so  many  tears,  while  Lee-­‐Roy  had  suffered  abrasions  and  a  ripped  jacket.  They  managed  to  make  it  into  the  room  where  Lee-­‐Roy  had  originally  shared  his  plan.  For  a  moment,  they  both  sat  quietly  and  then  Melody  burst  into  tears!  Lee--Roy  wanted  to  comfort  her  but  the  shame  and  torment  over  his  manhood  retarded  his  movement.  He didn’t feel worthy enough to comfort anyone.  In  lieu  of  touch,  he  spoke  soft,  gentle  words  that  comforted  her  from  a  distance.  He  knew  it  was  working  because  she  began  to  dry  her  eyes  and  focus  on  him. 


“What did he do to you Lee-­‐Roy?  I swear I won’t tell!  You and I are locked together now.  We are a team…  Pinky swear,” she smiled. 


“Melody, I can barely stand the truth, myself.”    


With  every  good  intention,  Melody  went  over  to  console  her  new-­‐found  confidant,  who  side  stepped  her  touch  and  tightened  his  already,  folded  arms.  He  kept  his  distance,  almost  as  if  he  didn’t  want  her  to  even  look  at  him. 


 “Ok, now you’re scaring me, Lee-‐Roy.  What happened?” 


Lee-­‐Roy’s  knees  folded  as  he  slid  down  the  wall,  to  the  floor  in  a  far  corner  and  began  telling  the  horrors  he  tried  to  forget. 


  “Oh my God,” she whispered through fresh tears!  “The football team?” 


Tears  began  to  flow  down  Lee-­‐Roy’s  face-­‐“I  mean,  I  knew  that  I  was  different…  I guess everybody can see that.  But what they did was so brutal,” he sobbed!  And now they want more.  …Wish  I  could  just  change  my  name  and  move  away  where  nobody  knows  me!” 


 “What are you talking about,” Melody insisted? 


“Dennis,  is  making  sure  that  I  come  to  another,”-­‐posing  his  fingers  in  quote,  unquote  signification-­‐  “gathering,  on  Saturday  night…” 


“And, if you don’t?” 


“He’ll probably beat the crap out of me again!  Enough about me.  What  are  you  gonna  do  with  Sir  Lancelot  and  his  Mustang  chariot?!” 


“Ha, ha-­‐very funny!  He  never  heard  me  talk  to  him  like  that  before”  she  half  explained,  half  pleaded.  “It caught him off guard…” 


Lee-Roy wasn’t buying it!  “You sound just like Mrs.  Rodriguez.” 


 “Who, pray-­‐tell, is Mrs.  Rodriguez, Lee-­Roy?” 


She’s  that  lady  who  always  waves  a  lace  hanky  when  The  Holy  Ghost  hits  her!    


Melody nodded in remembrance.  “She  used  to  come  over,  at  least  twice  a  week;  crying  every  time.  My  daddy  would  take  her  into  his  study  and  Sister  Juna  would  bring  a  box  of  tissues  and  two  glasses 



of  lemonade.  Then  the  door  would  be  closed  for  a  half  hour  before  they’d  come  out  again.” 



“Reverend Rodgers was creepin’ with the Mexican, church lady?!” 


“That’s what I thought…  Until  I  put  my  ear  to  the  cracked  door.  She  was  crying  about  how  her  husband  hit  her  for  nothin’!  She  said  she  would  have  dinner  ready,  the  house  clean  and  he  would  just  lose  his  temper  and  start  hitting  her,  for  nothing.  She didn’t know what to do…” 


“Oh Lee-­Roy!  Stop right there.  Once  I  apologize,  Gary  will  too,  and  everything  will  be  back  to  normal.” 


“Yeah, ok.” 


“It will!  You’ll see.  And by the way, you can tell Dennis, “No!” 


“And you can tell that drug pushin, woman beater, “No!” 


Turning  away  from  Lee-­‐Roy  and  throwing  her  hands  up-­‐“I’m  not  doing  this  with  you!  I gotta go!”   


Walking  toward  the  door,  she  turns  around-­‐  “By  the  way,  Lee-­‐Roy  Rodgers,  if  you  ever  changed  your  name  what  would  it  be?” 


 Lee-­‐Roy  smiled,  as  though  he  had  given  this  plenty  of  thought.  My name would be “Clive…  Clive Hammond.  I would be rich and perfect!    …And you, Melody, what would your name be?” 


She  tilted  her  head  to  one  side  and  said,  “Something  strong…  Something biblical…  I got it!  My  name  would  be,  Deborah-­‐just  like  the  prophetess  in  the  bible.  …Deborah Burrows-­because I’m gone plow my way through this world!” 


They both laughed and Melody went home. 

Excerpted from "And The Mirror Cracked" by Monica Handy. Copyright © 2015 by Monica Handy. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Excerpts are provided solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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