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The true bread and butter of INDIE Authors. 7 Influencers who make a diffrence.

In a world filled with gifted Indie Authors, all clamoring to be recognized, Social Media Influencers are considered to be moist bread, dripping with sweet butter!

Let's face it, without Media Influencers like Book Reviewers, Bloggers or the right mediums to point arrows in our direction, most Indie Authors are drowning in a pool of obscurity.

It has been duely noted that some authors find writing, a cathartic exercise, much like journaling, and that's great. Yet, there are those of us who write for the thrill of an audience having an "ah-ha" moment! For an author, this means they have connected with the reader on an emotional level, and therein lies the applause of their blood, sweat and tears!

In order for this connection to happen our readers (audience) must know that we (the writers) have the books that can make them say, feel, and think "ah-ha!"

We Need Engagement!

Needless to say, that "engagement" is the common ground for the author and the reader to be introduced, and Influencers are the host(ess) and/or facilitator of this meeting.

Generally, Influencers are selfless people who love to read books and share their opinion, good, bad or otherwise. Others, find pleasure in building up the author with interviews and a display of their recent works. Whatever the venue, the Influencer is a priceless asset to the INDIE Author and I find it fitting to pay homage to a few of those who make a diffrence and a niche for up and coming writers.

On behalf of Indie Authors, a heart-felt thank you to Social Media Influencers!

M. Handy, COOTW Literary Works

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